Several team 1 members were present at the 12th edition of the SifrARN (Structure, Integration, Function and Reactivity of RNAs) conference held from October 3 to 5, 2022, in Bordeaux. This conference aims to bring together people involved in all areas of RNA biology to exchange and discuss around unifying themes related to the importance of RNAs. On this occasion, the scientific committee of the meeting has selected Amani Issa (3rd-year PhD student) for an oral presentation of her PhD work: “A structurally and functionally intact nucleolus is required for Signal Recognition Particle (SRP) biogenesis”. Moreover, Aymeric Sanchez (3rd-year PhD student) has received one of the two prizes that awarded the best poster presentations by students and post-doctoral researchers. His poster was entitled: “The lncRNA ANRIL-induced gene modulation depends on its Exon21 enriched in Transposable Elements”.