Month: May 2021

LabCom – en

Labcom Anthralab The project “Anthralab” led by Kira Weissmann, professor at the IMoPA laboratory (Ingénierie Moléculaire et Physiopathologie ; CNRS-Université de Lorraine) has been selected among the proposals for the creation of joint laboratories between public research laboratories and SMEs/ETIs (Labcom) initiated by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche).

PhD defense L. Su

Li Su (Team 3) Generation of analogues of the anti-tumor polyketide stambomycins by genetic engineering and allied approaches Abstract:The polyketide secondary metabolites of bacteria are a rich source of bioactive agents, with notable applications in anti-infective and anti-cancer therapy. However, their structures often need to be optimized in order to tailor their therapeutic and biophysical properties. The 51-membered…
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