Team leaders :
Team 3 aims to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular regulation and signaling mediated by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which specificity depends on the complex chemistry of sulfur (thiolate, disulfide, persulfide, sulfenic and sulfinic acids, or thiosulfinate), critical to various physiopathological processes. The team draws on its strong, recognized expertise in enzymology, along with competences in biophysics, mass spectrometry and redox cellular biochemistry.
The team is also interested establishing structure-function relationships for a family of modular enzymes, the polyketide synthases (PKSs), which produce molecules of pharmacological interest including antibiotics, immunosuppressants and anti-cancer agents. The objective is to apply these insights to the productive engineering of modular PKSs using synthetic biology, towards the generation of high-value polyketide derivatives.
Collaborations within Université de Lorraine : C. Paris (ENSAIA, UL), B. Aigle/P. Leblond (DynaMic, INRA/UL), F. Favier/G. Mulliert (CRM2, CNRS/UL), A. Beaussart (LIEC, CNRS/UL), F. Martin (IAM, INRA/UL)
National Collaborations : C. Cambillau/S. Spinelli/A. Goulet (AFMB, CNRS/Université Aix-Marseille) ; A.Van Dorsselaer/S. Cianferani (LSMBO, CNRS/Université de Strasbourg) ; M. Tolédano (CEA Saclay) ; I. André (INSA Toulouse) ; J. M. Lancelin (CNRS, Université de Lyon) ; V. Lattard (VetagroSup, Lyon)
International Collaborations : A. Kirsching (University of Hanover, Germany) ; R. Cox (University of Hanover, Germany) ; A. Tavassoli (University of Southampton, England) ; P.F. Leadlay (University of Cambridge, England) ; Isomerase Therapeutics (Cambridge, England) ; J. F. Collet (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium) ; V. Vasiliou (University of Colorado – Denver, USA) ; V. I. Muronetz (Lomonosov Moscow State University – Moscow, Russia) ; O. Ventura (University of the Republic – Montevideo, Uruguay) ; G. van Wezel/A. Briegel (Leiden University, Netherlands)
Our research is supported by various organisations, including the ANR, the Grand Est region, the Université de Lorraine (Université d’ Excellence), the Ligue Contre le Cancer, PEPS/Mirabelle, SAYENS.
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